the land of empty

The desert is when the over abundance of words is stripped from its imagination to the basic alphabet so you can appreciate the creative power of waiting to assemble one word under the anointing of the scorching heat and merciless sun. That word will become so powerful that reciting it as the only prayer that is left will bring you through the impossible days and through quiet nights. No one will know it’s meaning except your heart which created it from the depths of mourning and sang it under the canopy of skies, silently stripping you from everything that does not belong to the world of the desert.

Only then you will know what

‘Make a way in the desert’

Is all about.

This word will not be for sale or marketing or to draw attention. It will be advertised only by the angels who sing but not speak, drawing the hearts wanting to see into its spirals of solitude where the only way through it is suffering pinched by the cross and rejected by the chatter of the over-informed crowds.

You will not hesitate to leave all behind.

You will know the only way is the way of the wilder-ness.

That’s how you become ready for the wild Western world where Noise is a god of existence and Clutter is a goddess of pleasure. Where no one listens except for their ability to use the info to make themselves the best versions of their own image. Where the thoughts, eyes and ears of their hearts are chained to the news, songs and words of Oblivion.

So, go ahead. Strip yourself to the ABC. Enter the land of empty to become someone who worships the crown of thorns.