you duped me, o lord

Jeremiah missed the class on how to deliver the prophetic words and now he is in crisis. He should be more gentle but he had a big mouth in front of the main clergy in the main church of the whole country. He could use a class on non-violent communication. He could get some referrals first, PR or marketing advice on how to focus on his audience. He could gather some reasonable people to advise him on the matter. Calm his emotions and tone down his message. Prayer did not change things either. The boiling message that he carried became the reason for his dismissal. He was duped and the only thing he could do is to allow it to happen.

"You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped;

you were too strong for me, and you triumphed.

All the day I am an object of laughter;

everyone mocks me.

Whenever I speak, I must cry out,

violence and outrage is my message;

the word of the LORD has brought me

derision and reproach all the day.

I say to myself, I will not mention him,

I will speak in his name no more.

But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart,

imprisoned in my bones;

I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it."

Jer 20:7-9

When you embody the message, your heart burns within. When you can not endure it any longer, you become a voice that runs and hides in Him.

Iwona Bednarz-Majorjeremiah